12 maneras de convertir tu sitio Web 1.0 en Web 2.0

Gracioso, pero real.

1. Replace esomething.com with


2. Increase 10px font to at least 12-16px font

3. Change categories to tags

4. Change your news section to a blog

5. Change email a

friend to RSS subscriptions

6. Change bookmark this to social network this

7. Change user account to user profile

8. Change crappy hard-coded HTML to Semantic HTML with


9. It’s visitors not HITS!

10. Add comments

11. Change esite.com?id=5235&sort=desc&useless=this &one%20more=still%20useless TO.. mysite.com/meaningful-


12. Change custom built site to open source CMS

Arículo completo: http://www.slayerment.com/